S-Sign Custom Settings


The S-Sign Custom Settings is a List Custom Settings record that can be used to modify S-Sign's functionality. This article explains how to locate the S-Sign Custom Settings and each field's functionality.

Note: This article is intended to be used as a reference guide. In general, avoid editing the S-Sign custom settings record unless directed by another article.

Locate S-Sign Custom Settings

From the Setup menu, type "Custom Settings" into the Quick Find bar, then click Custom Settings in the dropdown menu. Then, locate the SSignSettings record and click Manage.

If no record exists, click New. Otherwise, click Edit to open and modify the S-Sign Custom Settings record.

S-Sign Custom Settings Fields

The S-Sign Custom Settings appears as follows. Refer to the table below the image for each field's functionality and accepted values.

S-Sign Custom Settings Menu in Salesforce

Note: A number of these settings can also be configured on the S-Sign Setup page. These settings are noted below. Updates made on one page will be reflected on the other.
Field Function Values
1. Name Record Name SSignSettings

Note: Do not change the name of this record!
2. Allow Zero Click Signatures Adds a Make this template a Zero Click Signature Process checkbox to the S-Sign Template Settings.


Documents generated and sent for signature via templates with this setting enabled will be auto-signed (via text-to-signature) & submitted when the signature request link is clicked

Checked to enable


This setting bypasses the S-Sign Consent screen and is not recommended for general use. Consult S-Docs Support for more information.
3. Custom Logo URL Replaces the S-Sign logo with a custom image during the signature process (including the S-Sign Consent screen and the S-Sign toolbar that appears at the top of the screen on signable documents) Logo image URL

Note: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
4. Disable Text To Signature Prevents signers from using the text-to-signature feature, requiring them to draw their signature Checked to enable

Note: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
5. Do Not Link SSEnvelope To Record Prevents S-Sign Envelopes from being linked to the base record Checked to enable
6. Don't Insert Audit Doc CDL Inserts the signed document with the audit trail as an attachment on the S-Sign Envelope Document record, and then saves a cloned version of the attachment to the base record


By default, the signed document with the audit trail is saved as a Salesforce file on the S-Sign Envelope Document record, and then linked to the base record using ContentDocumentLink.

Checked to enable

Note: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
7. Enable Insert Contact Trigger Creates Contact records (if none exist) for all signer profiles associated with an S-Sign Envelope Document record, whenever the S-Sign Envelope Document record is created or updated Checked to enable
8. Make Envelope Documents Default View Displays Envelope Document records by default on the S-Sign View My Requests page Checked to Enable
9. Notification Email From Address Sets the From email address for all S-Sign notification emails (e.g. confirmation, expiration, reminders) Organization-Wide email address

Note: You can select an org-wide address from a picklist on the S-Sign Setup Page
10. Number of Requests Per Page Sets the number of records displayed by default on the S-Sign View My Requests page Number of envelopes to display
11. Open Community Sign In Person In New Tab Opens all Sign In Person requests made in a Community (Experience Cloud site) in a new tab Checked to enable

Note: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
12. Reply To Email Sets the Reply-To email address for all S-Sign emails


If left blank, the Reply-To email address for all S-Sign emails will be automatically set to the email of the user sending the request

Any valid email address

Note: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
13. Save Confirmation Emails As Activities Saves all confirmation emails as Activities on the base record Checked to enable

Note: All signers must have associated Contact records for this setting to function properly.


You can enable setting 9 on this page to automatically create contact records for any signers without them.

14. Show Audit Trail During Signing Process Displays the S-Sign Audit Trail to each person who signs a document. For example, signer 2 will receive the document with an audit trail that includes details from signer 1, signer 3 will receive the document with an audit trail that includes details from signers 1 and 2, and so on


By default, the audit trail is only appended to the signed document after all signers have signed

Checked to enable

Note: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
15. SiteURL Passes your S-Sign Site URL to S-Sign



Site URL of the Salesforce site that you created during the initial configuration of S-Sign.

Note: This field is normally auto-populated with the Site URL entered into the S-Sign Site URL field on the S-Sign Setup page


16. Use Custom S-Sign Guest Permission Set Allows you to use a custom permission set for the S-Sign Site Guest User in place of the permission set that is automatically assigned when you click Set Site Info & Assign Permissions on the S-Sign Setup Page. Checked to enable

Note: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
17. Show Timestamp and Signer Name Adds the signer's name and date of signature below the signature image on the final document (by default, only the signature image will appear on the final document) Checked to enable

Note: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
18. Text To Signature Font Sets a default font for the text-to-signature feature One of the supported text-to-signature fonts, including:

  • Aguafina Script
  • Alex Brush
  • Allura
  • Arizonia
  • Dynalight
  • Felipa
  • Great Vibes
  • Homemade Apple
  • La Belle Aurore
  • Meddon
  • Mr Dafoe
  • Parisienne
  • Petit Formal Script
  • Pinyon Script
  • Playball
  • Qwigley
  • Rochester
Note: You can preview these fonts & select one from a picklist on the S-Sign Setup page.
19. Use Requester Email For Reply To Sets the Reply-To address for all S-Sign emails to the requester's email address Checked to enable

Note: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
20. Use Legacy Sign Here Arrows Replaces "Sign Here" square signature inputs with legacy "Sign Here" arrows Checked to enable

Note: This setting is only available on S-Sign 2.242+
Note 2: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
21. Abbreviate Initials By Default Abbreviates Text-to-Signature initial inputs by default (if John Smith is typed into the input box, the initials displayed will be J.S.) Checked to enable

Note: This setting is only available on S-Sign 2.255+
Note 2: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page
22. Display S-Sign Graphic on Signatures Render a simple S-Sign graphic with the signature image to add an additional level of authority to accompany timestamps. Checked to enable
23. Electronic Disclosures Statement URL Allows you to define a URL to point signers to documentation disclosing company policies on collection and use of electronic signatures. Disclosure Documentation URL

Note: You can also set this option on the S-Sign Setup Page

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