
S-Docs GDI: Google Drive Integration

Uploading Documents to Google Drive

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Note: If you haven't configured the S-Docs and Google Drive integration, please review this article first.

Uploading a Document to Google Drive

When you generate any document that is Google Drive enabled, an Upload Selected to Google Docs button appears above the list of generated documents. Click the button to upload the selected documents.

Authorizing Access to Google Drive

The first time you try to upload a document using S-Docs, you will be presented with S-Docs Authorization page that you saw when setting up the Google Drive integration. Click Authorize Google Drive Access to grant permission for S-Docs to access your account.


You will be redirected to a Google-hosted sign-in page. Sign into your Google account now.

Note: If you receive an error at this step, confirm you have completed the S-Docs & Google Drive setup steps correctly.

Once signed in, Google will present a warning. Click Advanced Options and then Go to

Finally, click Allow.

This step needs to be done only once, as this access authorization is retained with your Salesforce account. Once authenticated, S-Docs uses OAuth 2.0 technology to manage access between S-Docs and Google Drive.

Going forward, the authorization step will be skipped, and you will be directed to the upload confirmation page below.

On this page, you can [1] see which documents are queued for upload, [2] remove individual documents from the queue, and finally [3] click Upload to Google Drive to upload your documents. You can also [4] deauthorize S-Docs from your Google Account by clicking on the Unlink S-Docs from my Google Drive account link at the bottom of the page.

Once you click the Upload to Google Docs button, the Status field will change from “Queued” to a link. The link will open the document directly within Google Drive.

Note: For help uploading S-Docs to specific Google Drive folders, please view this article.

Opening Google Drive Docs Within Salesforce

Links to documents and their icons are updated whenever a document is uploaded to Google Drive. Clicking on the link will open the document directly within Google Drive in either a new tab or new window.

Once a document is uploaded to Google Drive, it can be moved and shared as needed by using standard Google Drive functionality.

Setting Up S-Docs & Google Drive

By Documentation, S-Docs GDI: Google Drive Integration No Comments


S-Docs connects seamlessly with Google Drive, meaning that you can generate documents securely on the Salesforce platform and then upload them to Google Drive right away -- all without ever leaving Salesforce. This article will provide you with step-by-step instructions for configuring the S-Docs and Google Drive integration.

The S-Docs package already includes all needed components that allow it to work with Google Drive. However, your admin will need to complete the following steps to enable the feature.

Step 1: Add Remote Site Settings

The S-Docs Google Drive Integration requires that you create two entries in Salesforce’s Remote Site Settings that will allow your Salesforce org to interface with Google.

From the Setup menu, navigate to Remote Site Settings by typing "Remote Site Settings" into the Quick Find bar, then click Remote Site Settings in the dropdown menu. Click New Remote Site.

Enter the following values:

Remote Site Name: SDOCS1
Remote Site URL:

Make sure Active is checked, and then click Save & New.

For the next site, enter the following values:

Remote Site Name: SDOCS2
Remote Site URL:

Make sure Active is checked and then click Save.

Step 2: Notify S-Docs Support of API Request Domains

For the S-Docs and Google Drive integration to function properly, S-Docs needs to whitelist the domains that your API requests will be coming from. Please email with the following two domains:

1. Your org's domain

To find your domain in Lightning, click your user profile in the upper right corner and copy it from under your username. Make sure to add "https://" at the beginning.

To find your domain in Classic, navigate to the Home screen and copy it from your browser's URL bar up to the first forward slash.

2. Your Google Drive Redirect URI

To find your Google Drive Redirect URI, you need to attempt to authorize S-Docs to upload documents to Google Drive.

Navigate to the S-Docs Setup page by clicking the App Launcher in the upper left corner, typing "S-Docs" into the search field, then clicking S-Docs Setup.

Scroll down to the Other Pages section and click Go To Google Drive Integration Page.


On the next page, click Authorize Google Drive Access.

Then, copy the Redirect URI up to the first forward slash.

Email the two URLs from this step to S-Docs will whitelist your domains so that you can get started using Google Drive with S-Docs.

Step 3: Add Google Docs Enabled Checkbox to Template Detail Page & Activate Templates for Google Drive

Administrators are able to determine which documents are eligible for upload to Google Drive with the Google Docs Enabled checkbox. This checkbox is not visible by default, however, and must be added to the template detail page layout.

From the Setup menu, navigate to the Object Manager and find the SDoc Template object.

Navigate to the Page Layouts tab, click the dropdown arrow for the SDoc Template page layout, and click Edit.

Navigate to the Fields tab, find the Google Docs Enabled field, and drag it down into the SDoc Template Detail section. Click Save.

This checkbox will now appear on all template detail records. You can now check it to determine whether new documents generated with this template can be uploaded to Google.

For more information on generating and uploading S-Docs documents to Google Drive, please review our guide Using Google Drive.

Step 4 (Optional): Specify A Google Drive Foler

By default, all S-Docs uploaded to Google Drive will be stored in the user's base Google Drive folder. You can specify a different folder to upload your document to at the template level.

If your template is Google Docs enabled, the Document Options tab in the template editor will contain additional Google Drive options where this can be configured.

[1] To specify which folder documents generated using this template should be stored within, paste the folder ID into this field.

[2] Check this box to upload your document to Google Drive in its native format. By default, all documents uploaded will be converted to Google Docs. This checkbox will cause a PDF to upload as a PDF instead of a Google Doc.

Overview of S-Docs GDI

By Documentation, S-Docs GDI: Google Drive Integration No Comments


All paid versions of S-Docs can easily integrate with Google Drive. This Google Drive Integration (GDI) allows documents created using S-Docs to be automatically uploaded to Google Drive and linked seamlessly within Salesforce.

By doing this, the docs are stored on the Google cloud where they can be shared and edited without requiring any additional software (e.g. MS Office) and can also be accessed using mobile devices. By using S-Docs GDI, your Salesforce users do not need to download a file before making their changes nor need to upload the same afterward. This ensures that everyone is working from only one copy of the document and changes are reflected real-time, eliminating the need to track and reconcile any conflicts.

Note: This article provides a broad overview of the S-Docs and Google Drive integration. For instructions on setting up the S-Docs and Google Drive integration, click here. For instructions on uploading documents to Google Drive after the integration has been set up, click here.

Google Drive Overview

Google Drive is a service that allows users to store, collaborate, and share documents in the cloud. Google Drive currently offers 15GB file storage free with the option to purchase more storage. However, it is important to note that S-Docs creates all documents in Google Drive native format. This means that these documents do not (as of this latest update) count towards your Google Drive file storage limit and therefore you can use S-Docs with Google Drive with minimal or no cost.

To learn more about Google Drive, here is a good reference:

Example Use Case

S-Docs GDI is useful when you have multiple users who you want to collaborate on the same document. For example, let’s say you use S-Docs to generate your standard Contract PDF, which merges your Salesforce Contract record data with your S-Docs Template. For this use case, let’s assume the Contract needs input from the VP of Sales prior to finalization. Once the user generates the Contract document, they would optionally click one button to upload that document to a shared Google Drive repository. When the VP clicks on the document link within Salesforce, rather than downloading and opening MS Word, the VP would be able to view and make changes directly to the contract using just their browser. When the document is finalized, Google allows you to export it to other formats, such as PDF, before distribution.

Intended Audience

This guide provides solutions and ideas to help organizations get the most out of S-Docs. It is intended for users already familiar with Salesforce administration and configuration techniques. Knowledge of HTML is also useful in creating the highest quality documents. We encourage you to visit our website for template samples and help.

Security Consideration

Unlike S-Docs, which works entirely within the platform, using the Google Drive Integration means your documents are hosted remotely.

  • Your documents may contain sensitive data.
  • If there is a disruption in Google Drive service, your documents will not be available even if there are no issues with
  • Google Drive has its own Terms of Service concerning use and confidentially, which differ from
  • S-Docs uses OAuth2.0 to exchange user credential information between Salesforce and Google. This process requires that a user grant access to their Google Drive account.
  • Google may make future changes to its Google Drive APIs that unexpectedly render it incompatible with S-Docs. While we do not expect such a change, and would make every reasonable effort to continue to support the Google Drive service, we cannot guarantee future compatibility because of this reason.

Your security team would need to determine if this is an acceptable risk.
